ZTE unveiled its latest flagship 5G smartphone, the Axon 10s Pro, which is compatible with standalone and non-standalone modes, with availability scheduled in its home market of China during Q1 2020. The Axon 10s Pro will become one of the first devices powered by Qualcomm's recently-announced Snapdragon 865 5G platform [1], and is compatible with Wi-Fi 6 technology. In a statement, ZTE said the handset offers the latest LPDDR5 RAM and UFS3.0 ROM. It weighs 175g and is 7.9mm thick. Featuring the Snapdragon dual-mode X55 modem, users can connect to two wireless networks simultaneously for higher stability and faster speeds, the vendor said. Xu Feng, president of ZTE’s mobile device division, said the company plans to introduce about ten 5G smartphones in 2020, including a model priced below CNY3,000 ($429) in the first quarter. [1] https://www.mobileworldlive.com/featured-content/home-banner/qualcomm-brings-5g-to-lower-tier-processors/
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Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 12, 2019
ZTE readies dual-mode 5G flagship
ZTE readies dual-mode 5G flagship
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